zoo animals造句

"zoo animals"是什么意思   


  1. use english to name the zoo animals
  2. finally using volunteers provides a unique opportunity for educating the public about research, biology, and zoo animal management
  3. the figures exclude zoo animals . " although these animals are regarded by law as dangerous, the public should rest assured, that these animals very rarely escape, " said researcher shaun stevens
  4. zoo animals manure-facture power in germany berlin reuters-animals at a munich zoo will create their own power supply from friday when their manure is recycled to generate heat and electricity . a biogas plant at the muenchner tierpark hellabrunn will be fuelled by dung from elephants, rhinoceroses, buffaloes and antelopes, and any left-over animal food
  5. It's difficult to find zoo animals in a sentence. 用zoo animals造句挺难的


  1. "zoo 2"造句
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  4. "zoo and aquarium association"造句
  5. "zoo animal"造句
  6. "zoo aquarium"造句
  7. "zoo aquarium de madrid"造句
  8. "zoo art fair"造句
  9. "zoo association"造句
  10. "zoo associations"造句

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